About Me

Around the year 2000 my Pokemon journey began. It started with my first Gameboy colour and Pokemon yellow! My childhood was filled with Pokemon cards and spending countless hours watching the series!
Around the year 2000 my Pokemon journey began. It started with my first Gameboy colour and Pokemon yellow! My childhood was filled with Pokemon cards and spending countless hours watching the series!
I'm sure like most people who ever had an interest in Pokemon, that the nostalgia never fades when you're seeing anything Pokemon related! I think its this nostalgia that's kept my passion alive!
As for the terrariums, I've always had a creative mind and loved the challenge of trying to recreate an image that I had in my head. The first terrarium that I created was a Pikachu (main image on the homepage) and the sense of achievement when it was complete, gave me the drive to create more!
If I were just creating them for myself, id end up with a huge collection of the same few Pokemon that were my favourite, and this is why I want to create other peoples ideas!
Everyone has their own favourite Pokemon for many different reasons, and this is what I love about the community! With my creative mind and your love for a Pokemon, together we can create some awesome terrariums!